Last week, another Peace Corps Volunteer passed through the capital and she gave me a call, saying there were "a ton" of packages at headquarters for Jacob and me, and she offered to pick up 5 of the smaller packages.
Yesterday, she was passing through our little town (and in very Honduran fashion) the bus driver stopped in the middle of the dirt road outside the church, and she passed them to Jacob and me through the bus window. Then the bus driver gave us a honk and went on its merry way, lol.
So, a heartfelt thanks goes out to the PCV to went out of her way to help us out! Only another PCV really knows how wonderful it is to receive a package (or several!) from the States.... it's like a tiny piece of home. There are still a few more boxes in the office, which means more Christmas to come!
Anyway, we want to thank my parents and Sue W. for sending boxes... look at all these goodies!!!!!
Nuts = nom, nom, nom!
We now have enough nuts to hold us for at least a little while (I doubt the pistachios will last the weekend), and enough Japanese food, too... and lots, and lots of herb seeds, and stickers out the wha-zoo! I plan to plant several seeds in the next few weeks, and will also donate some to the local daycare where I'm planning a vegetable garden. The stickers and art supplies will be going to the local orphanage where I hope to start a large art class this Fall. The colorful band-aids will be going to the daycare and orphanage, but I may steal a few, too :)
My mom also sent my winter coat, which you'd think was a bit weird here in Central America... but apparently it gets down to almost freezing November-January up at our altitude, so this will definitely come in handy.
Anyway, we just wanted to send a great big thank you to Sue and my parents so being so very awesome! **Don't worry if we haven't received your package yet, apparently there are still several at headquarters and we'll be getting them shortly.
Have a great weekend, everybody!
Lauren and Jacob
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